Saturday 2 November 2013

16th day - Hoshien welcome party

Hey everyone, Hope you are all well!

On the 27th of September there was a welcome party for Hoshien residents.

In the morning I went to head towards the kitchen and on the way caught a flash of colour from the window out of the corner of my eyes and went back for a better look.
It turned out something that looked pretty awesome was going on outside so I hurried out to see what was going on.

It turned out that it was a rather cool looking photo-shoot with a Japanese model. I couldn't watch for long though as I had head off to meet Amy to go into Uni.

Near Waseda we found this really interesting building! It's was pretty amazing, I'm not sure I have ever seen a building like it before. It reminded me of the Architect Antoni Gaudi somehow. It was actually a hairdressers!  

In the evening I went to the Hoshien dormitory welcome party.  For the first half of the party, the people who worked at my dorm had prepared lots of food for us all. There were multiple tables covered with platters of food and bottles of drink. It was like a banquet!

I was really glad that this party was hosted for us as it gave me a chance to meet other people from my dorm. My dorm consists of more than one building, and even within my building things seem to be relatively quiet so it was good to be in a situation where we were able to talk to not only people from our building but from other ones as well, in a more social environment.



...and more food!

Making mochi!
 There was a chance to make some mochi too using this wooden basin and some huge hammers!

After we had some time to eat, drink and socialise we had a game of bingo. Unfortunately I didn't win anything, but I only needed one more number for ages!
There were prizes for the first few people to win!

One of the winners got a huge bag of Umaibo (a corn snack) and he kindly shared it with everyone! 

After the first party, there was an after-party with alcohol in Hoshien's common room! They bought lots of alcohol and snacks for us!

I tried a can of peach sour - it tasted more like peach with a light taste of beer. It was pretty good.

After a while at the drinking party my friend showed me her room. She is in a different building to me - it was actually much nicer than mine and she had a really great view!

View from my friend's room
Thanks for reading!

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