Thursday 17 October 2013

12th Day - Trip to Don Quixote and Karaoke!

Hey everyone!

On the 23rd of September Amy and I went to Don Quixote!
Don Quixote is a chain of shops throughout Japan that sell a huge variety of things for reasonable prices.

When I say huge variety of things I really mean it. They sell pretty much everything, from instant ramen and other edible goods to home ware and electrical appliances!

One thing that has really surprised me in Japan has been how much Halloween is celebrated. Previously thinking that Halloween is only really enjoyed in the West. How wrong I was, the proliferation of Halloween decorations and goods perhaps exceeds that in England if not matches it.

The whole front of the Don Quixote shop was dedicated to all that is Halloween, from Costumes and accessories to Orange coloured popcorn and other spooky snacks!

It does not stop there! The Halloween fever has hit most stores in Japan with most stores at least having a cute Halloween displays if not Halloween themed products too!

In fact the Halloween decorations were already in place in many stores by the time I had arrived in Japan which was on the 12th of September so they don't wait around either!

There are so many cute Halloween products around so be prepared to see lots more in future posts!

Some funny wigs - I personally like the sound of the Huwa Huwa Curl
Here are some very snazzy penis costumes! Oh - and some grandpa accessories
Creepy masks
More costumes!
Don Quixote has many different sections, one of them being a costume section. This costume section is separate from the Halloween one so I am guessing it is there all year round for all your costume party needs.
The section was quite big so there were lots of different costumes and accessories to choose from.

The Picasso near my house Also has a rather large costume section so there are lots of places to go to if you need to dress up! Picasso is actually part of the Don Quixote chain so it also has lots of different sections inside it. 
In the picture above are some shelves with some kigurumi stacked on them.
I. Love. Kigurumi.
Kigurumi are animal or character hooded onesies that are usually made from a fleece material. They usually button up at the front. They are sometimes described as pajamas. One thing I know for sure is that they are perfect for hanging around the house in.
I love my Kigurumi, its the best in winter because they are so snuggly and warm. I actually paid a lot for mine as I had to ship it from Japan but they have become more popular now so they are much cheaper to get hold of. Of course, if you are in Japan you can get them even cheaper still!
I really recommend them for winter and I will certainly be buying another one while I am here!

Hello Kitty cushions!

This was the bedding section, they had cushions, bed linen, special memory foam products, futons and more.

Phone cases
 They had a huge phone case section with moving rails that revealed even more layers of cases!

Hair care and fat busting electricals

This was a display of hair dryers, straighteners, curlers and a fat busting massager that looks like some kind of torture device. Around the Don Quixote shop there are lots of little video screens that advertise selected products. This display had one depicting the creepy fat massager, they showed it working on someones arm. It is like a spinning round disk with nobbles attached to a handle which they used to massage the arm fat. It looked pretty rigorous and the arm fat was rippling like water!!! The things people do in an attempt to slim down!!

I actually went back to this shop a few days ago and bought a two-in-one straightener and curler. It was a really good price and I needed both functions as I couldn't bring mine back from England due to voltage differences so to find a two-in-one for such a good price was great because it meant I didn't have to choose between the two. Buying too separate 
appliances would have been a bit too costly so I was glad I found it.

A fancy alcohol section. Lots of these seemed to be intended to be bought as gifts.

They even sell expensive branded bags and wallets in Don Quixote. I was quite surprised, they really seem to sell everything here!

Watches, jewelry and more!
My favorite section! Instant ramen!!

Some funny English in the accessory aisle

In the evening Amy and I went to Karaoke with a bunch of other people from the Waseda dorms.

Karaoke in Japan is really cheap compared to the Chinese style KTV rooms and Japanese style karaoke rooms in England.

It was really fun but I want to cover Japanese Karaoke in another post so I won't go into detail.

We spent ages in Don Quixote that day and the Karaoke was really fun. We were split into 3 rooms because we were in a large group and hadn't booked in advance but it was really great!
I hope to go to Karaoke lots more times in the future!

See you later!


  1. Oops, missed this post till just now. I think that mega department store would make my head explode! I'm too used to doing my shopping online!! Helen xxx

  2. Yeah there are so many different things there it is a lot to take in! But I rather like it! xxx
